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ABADÁ-Capoeira San Francisco | Adult Release Form 2023-2027

Pre-Registration is suggested for ALL classes, both online and in-person
I identify my gender as…
(Note: Email is the fastest, cheapest way for us to contact you. Please include an active current email. We will not sell or distribute your email or contact info!)
(Optional, but really helpful for us for funding purposes and to help us understand the communities we serve)
Please let us know if you are vaccinated by listing your vaccination dates.
Vaccination Date
Vaccination Date
Vaccination Date
Vaccination Date
Please specify
If so, with whom? For how long?
(if applicable)
I do hereby release (for myself, my executors and administrators) and WAIVE any and all rights to claims for damages arising from any illness, accident or occurrence caused by or as a result of my participation or connection with ABADÁ-Capoeira SF, its instructors, agents, representatives and/or facilities. ABADÁ-Capoeira SF, its agents, instructors, representatives and facilities shall not be held responsible by me for the loss or theft of my or my child’s personal items. I declare that I have read and understood the foregoing statement and that I have either consulted a physician or voluntarily chosen not to consult a physician before, starting or during the course of this program. I have been warned that I must be in good health to participate in this program and I now declare that I am in good health.
(Full name)
Signature is required.