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Big Plans and Aspirations for 2024

Every year, we have big plans and aspirations, and 2024 is certainly no exception. We have multiple projects that we’ve been working on coming to fruition, and we are excited to share them with you.

We have an exciting lineup of events scheduled between March and May, so save the dates!

Our events season kicks off Saturday, March 2, with a preview performance of CIGARRA & Guerreiras Nessa Arte. The preview performance, held at our ACSF’s Capoeira Arts Center, will share snippets of what will be presented at our larger production, which will be staged from May 3 to 5, 2024, at Z-Space.

Then on April 20, we will be hosting a commemorative Capoeira Roda to honor the legendary Boa Voz, who passed away on April 19, 2023.

From May 3 to May 5, we will be presenting the highly anticipated stage production of CIGARRA & Guerreiras Nessa Arte at Z-Space Theater, featuring top local and visiting artists. Following the performances we will host master workshops with guest artists from the CIGARRA show from May 9-11.

On May 18, 21, and 23, we will celebrate the end of the youth school-year session with a master class with Mestrando Mobilia from Rio de Janeiro.

And, finally, on May 26, we will take to the streets for the SF Carnaval Parade. And that’s just the first half of the year!

We have a number of other projects in the pipeline, including an advanced artist teaching training program; the youth and adults Batizado and workshop series; and the launch of a long-term artist-in-residence program. We are thrilled to announce that we are hoping to bring Professor Jabuti and Professora Iguana, two Rio-based artists, to San Francisco for an extended residency at ACSF as part of this program.

And, as always, we offer daily instruction and performance programs providing ample opportunities to join our community and learn and share Brazilian cultural arts. We invite you to join us in making 2024 a wonderful year

Visit our events or schedule webpage to learn about all our offerings.