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What a year it has been! As we reflect on the past year, we find ourselves deeply grateful for the community we’ve cultivated. Despite the numerous challenges 2020 presented, with the encouragement and support of our community, ACSF has continued its mission to use Capoeira to strengthen individuals and communities and to promote social and racial equity.

Every day our artists teach online classes to children, teens and adults. As a result, our participants remain healthy, engaged, grounded, and supported.

ACSF is fulfilling our youth and adult participants’ needs to move their bodies, play and hear uplifting music, release stress, sweat, and feel a part of and be engaged in community.

ACSF is preserving the cultural and social fabric of the SF Bay Area, offering cultural arts, camaraderie, solidarity, and strength during an extremely difficult time. San Francisco needs ACSF. Because so many other nonprofits and artists have been priced out and left the area, our existence is even more important.

For the past nine months we have put on hold in-person classes, school programs, performances, space rentals, and cultural events. Consequently, our service revenue has all but disappeared.

To help fill the revenue gap we are looking to raise $25,000 this giving season. This year’s fund drive is about the preservation of our artists and our facility. ACSF needs your support more than ever before.

Thus far, we have raised $14,000! Just $11,000 to go to meet our goal. If it is within your means, please support ACSF this giving season.

Already donated? We extend our sincere thanks to each and every donor. Your support has allowed us to continue to provide and innovate services to meet the rapidly changing needs of the communities we serve.

To learn more about this year’s accomplishments and how you can help, please take a moment and visit:

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