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Welcome Mestranda Yara

We’re excited to bring Mestranda Yara from Washington, DC and Professor Jabuti from Rio de Janeiro to perform in CIGARRA & Guerreiras Nessa Arte.

Originally from Brazil, Mestranda Yara has been practicing Capoeira since 1982 and teaching since 1996. In addition to her practice, she’s also created an academic career of studying and creating new knowledge about Capoeira. Her work integrates research in psychology and physical education and has led to the publication of three books.

In 2008, Professora Yara moved to the Washington, DC area and founded ABADÁ-Capoeira DC. More recently, she was approved for her Permanent Residency in the U.S. as a person with Exceptional Ability in the National Interest for her knowledge and achievement in Capoeira. In 2022 she became a US citizen. We love having Mestranda Yara in San Francisco!